Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blabber and Blather (continued)

Continued from yesterday's post, this is PART TWO of my talk to secondary school students at HIP Cafe on Monday 4 Oct 2010:

Graduating from Law School doesn't mean you have to enter private practise as a lawyer. Recent studies found that one-third of Australian law graduates are not practising law. Or, your practice of law can be as an in-house counsel in a large company, such as Shell. Some law graduates enter the public service, as legal officers for the State or Federal Attorney General or Public Prosecutor; while others may join the Judicial Department as Magistrates or Assistant Registrars, eventually heading to become Judges. Even if you take on a job that has nothing directly to do with law, such as business or management, a Law Degree would be considered extremely useful by prospective employers. Many students enter Law School on the wishes of their parents. A friend who was a couple of years behind me in Monash University came from a distinguished legal family and he was expected to join his uncle's firm and perhaps follow his father into the judiciary. However he came back with his law degree... and became a pilot. A very happy one, I believe.

You may have noticed that I've got little cartoons on top of these posts. They're from here. I was planning to tell some of my own favourite jokes in the middle of my talk, but I ran out of time and I also kinda ran out of nerve... a bunch of jaded teenagers seemed to me a tougher audience than a panel of Federal Court Judges! Just to get those jokes off my chest, I will inflict them upon you, here:

A stranger comes into a small town and asks a farmer in his field, "Do you have a criminal lawyer here?" The farmer replies, "Yup, but we've never been able to prove anything against him."

Another stranger comes into town, goes to its cemetery, and sees a tombstone which reads, "Here lies a lawyer and an honest man". He mutters to himself, "This cemetery must be so crowded, they've put two people in one grave."

Two guys have a car accident. They sit by the side of the road, shaking. One guy pulls out a hip flask and hands it to the other, who gulps down some whiskey gratefully. "Phew, thanks, I needed that. I'm a doctor, by the way." He hands the hip flask back to the first guy, who says, "I'm a lawyer and I'm not touching a drop before the cops get here."

Boom-boom. Maybe I should have told these jokes on Monday after all...

Check back here tomorrow for PART THREE.

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